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SMART kapp

SMART kapp Is The Share-As-You-Go Whiteboard

Just walk up and start writing with a dry-erase marker. Everyone you invite sees whatever you jot down, erase and scribble on your SMART kapp® as it happens – worldwide. Save notes on your phone, tablet and PC with a tap, erase and repeat. It’s a whiteboard and personal organizer in one.

You won’t believe what your kapp whiteboard can do

The scribble seen around the world

Anyone. Anywhere. Any phone, tablet or PC. Share your notes as you go with up to 250 people at once.

Fit a library in your pocket

Tap the camera icon on the board to save your work. The kapp app library stores and organizes your notes on your phone.

Plug in. Start writing. Easy set-up.

Save and organize notes on your devices. Send as PDFs or JPEGs.

Email session notes as PDFs or JPEGs.

Protect sensitive work with encrypted connections.

Two sizes of kapp fit all ideas

SMART kapp belongs everywhere people share ideas, learn from one another and search for new ways of doing things. Because when smart people put their heads together something extraordinary is sure to follow.

SMART kapp 42

Includes: Mounting hardware, dry-erase pens, eraser, kapp app and warranty.

SMART kapp 84

Includes: Mounting hardware, dry-erase pens, eraser, kapp app and warranty.


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