by Intellieadmin | Feb 20, 2025 | Forex Trading
Umocni? swoj? pozycj? i utrzyma? wska?niki finansowe na bezpiecznym poziomie” – podkre?lono. Inwestycje, które w ubieg?ym roku realizowa?a Grupa ORLEN, by?y ukierunkowane na wzrost zysków i bezpiecze?stwa energetycznego, a tak?e na poszerzanie oferty...
by Intellieadmin | Dec 10, 2024 | Forex Trading
Co wi?cej, takie formaty zdominowa?y rynek, co potwierdzaj? dane za pierwszy kwarta? br. Wed?ug dost?pnych danych nowa poda? w tym segmencie osi?gn??a blisko 67 tys. Mkw.w pierwszych trzech miesi?cach tego roku. Centrum handlowo-us?ugowe b?dzie zlokalizowane na...
by Intellieadmin | Nov 26, 2024 | Forex Trading
Oftentimes, they’re messy, and it’s not always easy to spot them. Even when you do spot a pattern, there’s no guarantee that it will play out as expected. Chart patterns are a visual representation of an asset’s price movement, and they can signal upcoming changes in...
by Intellieadmin | Aug 28, 2024 | Forex Trading
This can create a small stop loss (with a stop below the swing low in price that just formed) and a target above. A double top is a bearish pattern that occurs when the price is moving up, drops briefly (the pullback) and then moves back to the same price area as the...
by Intellieadmin | Aug 28, 2024 | Forex Trading
This can create a small stop loss (with a stop below the swing low in price that just formed) and a target above. A double top is a bearish pattern that occurs when the price is moving up, drops briefly (the pullback) and then moves back to the same price area as the...
by Intellieadmin | Aug 12, 2024 | Forex Trading
Although, when markets are volatile, like before and during a significant data announcement, even these liquid instruments can suffer slippage. The most unreliable way, although having, let’s say, questionable popularity as a kind of panacea for slipping....
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